Mozilla Firefox

Command mode

Operations for Mozilla Firefox are invoked as $ webstoremgr firefox <command>. Parameters used in this section are:

  • id, secret
  • filename
    • Filename of the extension file (.xpi) on your filesystem.
  • addon-id, version
    • Extension ID and Version. Specified in the install.rdf manifest file as <em:id> and <em:version> fields, respectively. For more information, refer to Install Manifests.

The usecase for Firefox now only supports self-distributed extensions. Mozilla needs to sign such extensions, which is what Webstore Manager offers.

Supported Firefox addon commands are:
  • gen-token


    webstoremgr firefox gen-token --id <id> --secret <secret>

    Generates a JSON Web Token from the given parameters. This token is used to authenticate for all secured methods. For further details, see Mozilla API authentication.

  • upload


    webstoremgr firefox upload --id

    Uploads the given extension to Mozilla store for signing. The signing is not done instantaneously, the client is responsible for downloading the file when ready.

    Both addon_id and version parameters are optional. If they are not set, their value will be parsed from the given extension file. If specified, they must be the same as the values in manifest file. If the values differ, the task will fail. This may be used as a safeguard that a correct version is being uploaded, but omitting them is generally recommended.

  • download


    webstoremgr firefox download --id

    Downloads an extension identified by addon_id and version from the Mozilla store if its processing (verification, signing) is successfully completed.

    If the processing is not yet completed, its download will be reattempted attempts times with interval seconds between each attempt. Default values are 10 attempts in 30-second intervals.

    Downloaded file(s) are placed in the current working directory. To override this, set the --folder argument.

    Optionally, if the extension entry consists of a single file (usual case), supply the --target-name parameter to set the name of the downloaded file.

  • sign


    ``webstoremgr firefox sign --id

    Combines upload and download tasks into a single command. The parameters are directly related to the parameters of commands above, see them for explanation.

Script mode

Scripting mode is currently not supported for Firefox.